Gratitude Printable
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Gratitude Printable
This month I have been thinking a lot about gratitude and actually really struggling with being thankful IN all things – not just FOR things. A couple years ago #dieterfuchtdorf gave an amazing talk about being thankful IN experiences – not just for things like material items. I admit it’s easy to be thankful in experiences when you’re on a fun trip or eating at a great restaurant or at a party with friends… b u t most of life is a little grittier than those fun experiences. Can we be thankful in the experiences of normal every day life? Washing dishes, going to work, driving carpool, cleaning bathrooms, dealing with stress and anxiety, or even grocery shopping… t h i s is what I’ve been struggling with. When someone in my family is sick can I find something to be grateful for? (Good doctors! Medicine! They are normally healthy!) When my day is packed and I’m running on empty can I find a sliver of goodness to be thankful for? (healthy body!) No sleep. (A full life!) Weight to lose. (learning to cook healthy!) Washing dishes. (Food on the table!) I guess these are the reminders I need this month… Every year when it comes I feel like I really need November. I’m really trying to be thankful every day IN all things, even though it can be tough. I’ve been following along on @thesmallseed ‘s November study guide and it’s really making me want to be better and be more thankful. Every day. Here’s to finding gratitude WHEREVER we can. Even if it’s tiny. All month💗🙋🏼 #whoswithme #gratitude #sundaythoughts#thankfulinallthings #thesmallseed#tssdailygratitude
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