My Favorite Summer Reads
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My Favorite Summer Reads
Books are the stuff of life – they keep your mind going, they help you learn (about common life subjects and about things you never could have even thought to know about), they push you, inspire you, comfort you, make you cry, and make you laugh. Loved these reads this summer. I want to know what you are reading too!
Brené Brown has this amazing way of softly but firmly emphasizing how important it is to be vulnerable. It’s what connects us, it’s what helps us improve, and it actually helps us go further. In a world of people always trying to cover up their vulnerabilities, this is so needed! Love Brené Brown! Daring Greatly is a must read.
This is the best novel I’ve read in a long time. Quirky, unique, written as a series of letters, and takes place in Seattle – I really think you’ll love it. I could not put it down! Please tell me you’ll read it?!
When you need a kick in the pants – to improve your parenting, your business, your gusto for life (as I have after having a baby, moving, and feeling like a zombie functioning with no sleep) – just read this book. It’s straightforward, it keeps you from making excuses, and it’s funny! Especially a must read for business owners.
Okay okay – this is a kids’ book, but this series is my favorite kids series right now (we also love Iggy Peck Architect)! We got my daughter Rosie Revere, Engineer for her birthday and she re-reads it all the time. Thank goodness for so many books showing how smart women are especially in the STEM world!
If you’re as confused by our nation’s presidential choice/election as I am, please read this book. It’s a ground-level account of a subset culture of our country that most of us aren’t exposed to. The college educated, city and suburb dwelling, corporate kind of world is far removed from the realities so many Americans are born in to. J.D. Vance writes his first-hand account of growing up as a “hillbilly” and the experiences, prejudices, and norms that were his everyday world. Through his hard work he was able to escape, go to Yale, and become a lawyer, but there remains this large population that isn’t well understood. Please read!
What can I say, when it comes to Chip and Joanna Gaines I’m a total lover of the Magnolia brand. Though this was an easy, casual read, I loved seeing Joanna’s positive perspective on life. No matter what hard or uprooted situation they found themselves in while working hard to grow their business, she never stopped being positive or working hard. I also loved the way this book gives Jo’s accounts of incidents and Chip’s accounts. Like the time he forgot their baby at home when we went to the grocery store! Ha! Even with these funny stories, there is a story of working hard, having a vision, and trusting in God. They’ve learned through their hardships that they have to appreciate life even when it’s hard. That they had to find a way to find joy and beauty in those hard times, because if they couldn’t do it then, they’d never be able to do it once big success came. Loved The Magnolia Story. (Also see my free print from this book here.)
Besides a slight hiatus while traveling to Lake Powell this summer, I’ve been trying to eat well this summer to get my last bit of baby weight off (it’s my 4th time and still hasn’t gotten any easier!). This book just clicked with me. Dr. Gundry is a cardiovascular surgeon who used to be overweight himself. He’s helped himself and hundreds of patients overcome tons of health problems and lose weight. He proves how sugar is related to fat gain, and we can find sugars everywhere – not just in sugary foods, but also in starches, grains, some dairy products, and fruits. Throughout history we’ve never had access to so many sugary foods all year long – he advocates cutting back on these to improve our cholesterol, weight, likelihood for disease, and overall health. I’ve loved cooking whole foods this summer and am determined to keep doing it throughout the year. Thanks Dr. Gundry!
Hope you love these books like I did. So thankful for good books.